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In-house induction – in-person seminar

Thursday, 7 November 2024
 5.5 CPD Units In-person
9:00 AM  4:30 PM

The Law Society of New South Wales, 170 Phillip Street, Sydney NSW 2000

The transition into an in-house role presents an exciting opportunity to develop new skills and change the way you practice law. As with every change, while you embrace the opportunities, you might also face some challenges. 

You will hear from senior Law Society solicitors who will explore some of the ethical challenges in-house lawyers face and discuss the important issues of confidentiality and privilege. You will also hear from experienced General Counsel, legal operations and well-being experts who will give you some practical guidance and tips on how to successfully navigate the transition to ensure you have the foundations to forge a rewarding and successful in-house career.

This exclusive program will be offered in-person.

Craig Emery, General Counsel, Sustainability, External Affairs & Legal, Telstra
Linden Barnes, Senior Ethics Solicitor, The Law Society of New South Wales
Marilyn Cox, Solicitor, Professional Support Unit, The Law Society of New South Wales
Linda-Rose Daya, Head of Legal Project Management and Design, Gilbert + Tobin
Glenn Dennett, Principal, Glenn Dennett + Associates

5.5 CPD units

Non-Member $515.00
Member $0.00

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In-house induction day – in-person seminar (75421)

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