LawInform Courses

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SBS Inclusion Program: Appropriate workplace behaviour – on-demand interactive

1.5 CPD Unit  On-demand interactive

Inclusion is essential in today's legal workplace, both for individuals and for organisations. The SBS Core Inclusion Program comprises eight self-paced courses designed to provide core skills and knowledge around supporting diversity in the workplace.

The Appropriate workplace behaviour course outlines the types of behaviours that are not conducive to a respectful and inclusive workplace, the impacts of inappropriate behaviours, and the action to take if you witness or experience them.

By completing this course you will gain new skills, including being able to:

  • Identify behaviour that may be discrimination, harassment, bullying, vilification, or victimisation
  • Explain the concepts of ‘reasonable management action’ and ‘special measures’
  • Describe the benefits of a diverse and inclusive workplace
  • Explain why it is important for observers of inappropriate behaviour to speak out
  • Find appropriate resources and know what to do if you need to make a complaint or need support
  • Explain the concept of ‘duty of care’
  • Explain the differences between sexual harassment and sex-based harassment
  • Understand how ‘positive duty’ from the Respect@Work Act applies to employers
  • List the seven domains (identified in the Respect@Work report) where organisations need to take action to prevent and respond to sexual harassment
  • Explain what psychosocial hazards are
  • Explain how trauma can exist in the workplace
  • Identify three things people can do to improve their mental health and their general resilience

This course consists of four modules:
  • Discrimination, harassment and bullying
  • Impacts and actions
  • Respect@Work
  • Psychosocial hazards and trauma (created in collaboration with Phoenix Australia)

To view and register for other courses in the SBS Inclusion Program, click here.

Created in February 2024

1.5 CPD units

Non-Member $105.00
Member $75.00

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SBS Inclusion Program: Disability – on-demand interactive

1.75 CPD Unit  On-demand interactive

Inclusion is essential in today's legal workplace, both for individuals and for organisations. The SBS Core Inclusion Program comprises eight self-paced courses designed to provide core skills and knowledge around supporting diversity in the workplace.

The Disability course provides information and first-person stories to improve understanding of disability in all its guises, and show how employment options for people with disability can be improved and embraced

On completion of the Disability course, you should be able to:

  • Give some examples of the many different types of disability that people can experience
  • Identify some of the benefits of employing people with disability
  • Explain the medical and social models of disability
  • Describe the term ‘neurodiversity’
  • Give some examples of how employers can support employees who may have a mental health condition
  • Explain what ‘adjustments’ are, and how these can help organisations to include people with disability
  • Identify three ways that employers can make the recruitment process more accessible to people with disability
  • Explain the meaning of the initialism ‘ATP’
  • Outline how organisations can benefit from of knowing the disability status of their staff, and how they can encourage employees to share this information
  • Describe how conscious biases may sometimes play out when a manager is considering the employment or progression of a person with disability

This course consists of four modules:

  • Why disability inclusion?
  • Everyone is different
  • How to include people
  • Building capability

The course was created by SBS in collaboration with the Australian Network on Disability.

To view and register for other courses in the SBS Inclusion Program, click here.

Created in February 2024

1.75 CPD units

Non-Member $105.00
Member $75.00

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SBS Inclusion Program: LGBTIQ+ – on-demand interactive

1.25 CPD Unit  On-demand interactive


Inclusion is essential in today's legal workplace, both for individuals and for organisations. The SBS Core Inclusion Program comprises eight self-paced courses designed to provide core skills and knowledge around supporting diversity in the workplace.

The LGBTIQ+ course is designed to improve understanding of the LGBTIQ+ community. It provides knowledge and tools to promote a fairer, more LGBTIQ+ inclusive workplace and society.

Upon completion of the LGBTIQ+ course, you should be able to:

  • Explain the meaning of the letters/characters in the initialism LGBTIQ+
  • Give examples of the benefits LGBTIQ+ inclusion brings to organisations, societies and individuals
  • Use inclusive language that embraces the LGBTIQ+ community
  • Explain what is meant by ‘coming out’
  • Define ‘gender identity’
  • Describe the term ‘intersex’
  • Explain the process of ‘transitioning’
  • Identify unhelpful and harmful language that may be offensive to people from the LGBTIQ+ community
  • Outline the importance and possibilities of allies
  • Describe some of the positive effects of LGBTIQ+ symbols within a workplace
  • Appreciate the significance of LGBTIQ+ role models, and the impacts they can have on the community
  • Give at least three examples of workplace initiatives that actively support LGBTIQ+ inclusion

This course consists of three modules:

  • Why LGBTIQ+ inclusion?
  • Gender diversity
  • Supporting LGBTIQ+

To view and register for other courses in the SBS Inclusion Program, click here.

Created in February 2024

1.25 CPD units

Non-Member $105.00
Member $75.00

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SBS Inclusion Program: Gender equity – on-demand interactive

1.25 CPD Unit  On-demand interactive

Inclusion is essential in today's legal workplace, both for individuals and for organisations. The SBS Core Inclusion Program comprises eight self-paced courses designed to provide core skills and knowledge around supporting diversity in the workplace.

The Gender equity course is designed to improve understanding of gender equality in the workplace. It provides tools and information to encourage the conditions and cultures that will enable women to thrive at work.

 Upon completion of the Gender equity course, you should be able to:

  • Describe what is meant by gender equality.
  • List some of the reasons why gender equality does not exist.
  • Identify some of the opportunities for organisations and broader society if true gender equality is to exist.
  • Explain what is meant by 'everyday sexism' and give some examples.
  • Explain the difference between sexual harassment and sex-based harassment.
  • Describe the term ‘positive duty’ from the Respect@Work Act and how this applies to employers.
  • List the seven domains (identified in the Respect@Work report) where organisations need to take action to prevent and respond to sexual harassment.
  • Recognise potential signs that a work colleague may be in an abusive relationship.
  • Give at least three examples of how organisations can support survivors of domestic and family violence.
  • Give examples of measures organisations can take to recruit more women into their workforce.
  • Explain the gender pay gap.
  • Identify at least three ways organisations can give women an equitable opportunity to progress and advance.
  • Describe some of the benefits to organisations that offer flexible ways of working.

 This course consists of three modules:

  • Why gender inclusion?
  • Sexual harassment and domestic violence
  • Women and the workplace

The course draws on the research and experience of organisations within the Champions of Change Coalition, and the University of Queensland.

To view and register for other courses in the SBS Inclusion Program, click here.

Created in February 2024

1.25 CPD units

Non-Member $105.00
Member $75.00

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SBS Inclusion Program: Generational diversity – on-demand interactive

1 CPD Unit  On-demand interactive

Inclusion is essential in today's legal workplace, both for individuals and for organisations. The SBS Core Inclusion Program comprises eight self-paced courses designed to provide core skills and knowledge around supporting diversity in the workplace.

The Generational diversity course highlights age-related discriminatory practices and the benefits of a multi-generational workforce, and provides knowledge and tools that can be used to increase inclusion in the workplace. 

Upon completion of the Generational Diversity course, you should be able to:

  • Summarise the age-related demographic changes occurring in society
  • Describe the term ‘ageism’ and give examples of how it manifests in society
  • Explain the differences between direct and indirect age discrimination
  • Give examples of how age discrimination can impact individuals and organisations
  • Identify at least three scenarios where women may uniquely face ageism during their lives
  • Demonstrate an awareness of common assumptions people make about older and younger workers
  • Give examples of how organisations can effectively manage a multi-generational workforce
  • Appreciate the broad generalisations associated with each of the following distinct generations: Baby Boomers, Gen X, Gen Y and Gen Z
  • List at least three strategies that organisations can adopt to help build an age-inclusive culture 

This course consists of three modules:

  • Ageism and its impacts
  • Generational diversity and the workplace 
  • What can workplaces do?

The course was created in collaboration with the EveryAGE Counts campaign, and with input from the Benevolent Society, Randstad RiseSmart Australia, and the Workforce Diversity and Inclusion team at the University of Queensland. 

To view and register for other courses in the SBS Inclusion Program, click here.

Created in February 2024

1 CPD units

Non-Member $105.00
Member $75.00

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SBS Inclusion Program: Cultural diversity – on-demand interactive

 2 CPD Unit  On-demand interactive

Inclusion is essential in today's legal workplace, both for individuals and for organisations. The SBS Core Inclusion Program comprises eight self-paced courses designed to provide core skills and knowledge around supporting diversity in the workplace.

The Cultural Diversity course explores concepts such as cultural differences and similarities, and the impact of population trends in Australia. It provides culturally specific knowledge and practical skills that can be used to make the workplace more inclusive.

On completion of the Cultural diversity course, you should be able to:

  • Understand what culture is, and recognise that it impacts all aspects of behaviour
  • Understand that cultures have similarities and differences, especially with relation to direct / indirect communication, the perception of time, and greetings
  • Understand the importance of family across cultures
  • Recall Hofstede’s dimensions and how they can be used to measure differences in values across cultures
  • Recognise the concept of ‘face’ and examples of how ‘face’ is expressed in some cultural contexts
  • Understand how written, verbal and non-verbal expressions might vary across cultures
  • Understand how environment and object language vary across cultures
  • Identify obstacles to successful cross-cultural communication and measures that can be used to negate differences
  • Define the different stages of cultural adaptation, understand how they may impact a person, and identify measures that facilitate a smooth transition through the stages
  • Understand historical and current migration trends and the impact on the Australian population and in relation to Australian religious diversity
  • Understand historical and current population trends for Indigenous Australians
  • Gain an insight into the changing values of Australia

This course consists of five modules:

  • Cultural diversity themes
  • Dimensions of cultural diversity
  • Cross-cultural communication
  • Cultural adaptation
  • Australia by the numbers 

Robert Bean, Managing Director of Cultural Diversity Services, and the Australian Multicultural Foundation were major contributors to the course.

To view and register for other courses in the SBS Inclusion Program, click here.

Created in February 2024

2 CPD units

Non-Member $105.00
Member $75.00

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SBS Inclusion Program: Core inclusion – on-demand interactive

1.75 CPD Unit  On-demand interactive

Inclusion is essential in today's legal workplace, both for individuals and for organisations. The SBS Core Inclusion Program comprises eight self-paced courses designed to provide core skills and knowledge around supporting diversity in the workplace.

The Core inclusion course outlines the overarching inclusion principles and provides tools for promoting diversity, to help make organisations more inclusive of a range of individuals and communities.

At the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Describe ‘diversity’ and ‘inclusion’
  • Describe the four key elements that need to be experienced by individuals in order to achieve inclusion in the workplace
  • Explain the concept of ‘intersectionality’ and its impact on inclusion
  • Give examples of the benefits of having an inclusive organisational culture
  • Recognise the differences between stereotypes and generalisations and relate these to your own behaviour
  • Recognise that everyone has unconscious biases, and that workplace practices and decision making can be negatively affected by unconscious bias and assumptions
  • Explain the concept of ‘groupthink’ and its impact on decision making
  • Apply different strategies to reduce the impact of unconscious bias
  • Utilise core inclusion skills or ‘people skills’ - such as curiosity, respect and open-ended questions
  • Describe strategies an organisation can take to create a truly inclusive environment
  • Recognise the role of workplace flexibility as a key enabler of inclusion
  • Describe the concepts of universal and inclusive design

This course consists of four modules:

  • What is diversity and inclusion?
  • Unconscious bias
  • Core inclusion skills
  • How to be inclusive

To view and register for other courses in the SBS Inclusion Program, click here.

Created in February 2024

1.75 CPD units

Non-Member $105.00
Member $75.00

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SBS Inclusion Program: First Nations – on-demand interactive

 0.75 CPD Unit  On-demand interactive

Inclusion is essential in today's legal workplace, both for individuals and for organisations. The SBS Core Inclusion Program comprises eight self-paced courses designed to provide core skills and knowledge around supporting diversity in the workplace.

The Core inclusion course outlines the overarching inclusion principles and provides tools for promoting diversity, to help make organisations more inclusive of a range of individuals and communities.

This course will support you in:

  • Improving your knowledge about the history of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and experiences
  • Understanding how to identify myths versus facts
  • Recognising the importance of spirituality in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures
  • Recognising the importance of family and kinship in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures
  • Grasping the impact of colonisation on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
  • Comprehending the trauma felt by the Stolen Generations and the intergenerational trauma still being felt today
  • Implementing tools to actively participate in the reconciliation process as both an individual and a business

This course consists of two modules:

  • Who are Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples?
  • Getting to know Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Culture

The founder of Carbon Creative, Birri Gubba and Guugu Yimithirr man Wayne Denning, created this course.

 Pitjantjatjara and Yankunytjatjara woman Elizabeth Close from the APY lands created the artwork representing the key course themes.

To view and register for other courses in the SBS Inclusion Program, click here.

Created in February 2024

0.75 CPD units

Non-Member $105.00
Member $75.00

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