LawInform Courses

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Course or program starts between:
NameCPDMember costNon-member costDetails
The negotiating of parenting matters - recorded webinar1$105.00$150.00View
Disability and employment - videocast1$105.00$150.00View
Indigenous people and succession law: Intestacy and drafting of culturally appropriate wills – On-demand recording1$105.00$150.00View
Alternative dispute resolution options for family law – on-demand recording1$105.00$150.00View
How to get the best out of your barrister (by a barrister who was once a solicitor) - recorded webinar1$105.00$150.00View
Due diligence for business sales and purchases - recorded webinar1$105.00$150.00View
Robust decision-making - recorded webinar0.5$75.00$105.00View
When government is your client - recorded webinar1$105.00$150.00View
Materiality as a criterion of jurisdictional error – On-demand recording1$105.00$150.00View