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Causation is critical – videocast

1 CPD Unit  Videocast
Substantive law

In this session, Emma Cameron delves into the importance of establishing causation in negligence cases.  Ms Cameron offers a detailed overview of a recent Victorian Supreme Court case in which there were claims in tort and contract against a valuation firm; Payton Securities Pty Ltd v Bertacco Ferrier Pty Ltd [2022] VSC 394. She explains the Court’s decision that, as it was not the plaintiff who retained the valuer, the claim in contract failed. Ms Cameron also comprehensively examines the Court’s finding that the standard of reasonable care is not a standard of perfection and that a Court must be able to conclude that no reasonable valuer could have made the same mistake or reached that same conclusion. Ms Cameron also analyses the Court’s finding that although the valuation firm fell short of the standard of care, there was no causative effect on the loss. Additionally, she then considers the key takeaways from this case for NSW practitioners.

Recorded on 7 December 2022
Emma Cameron, Special Counsel, Woodina Law

1 CPD units

Non-Member $150.00
Member $105.00

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